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奉獻 Offering

最近更新於 2021-04-12, 週一

1) 銀行轉賬. By bank transfer

            a.銀行櫃位 bank counter

            b.櫃員機 ATM

            c.網上銀行 online banking          


     創興銀行戶口號碼Chong Hing Bank A/C No.261-20-6035058

     中文名稱Chinese Name:香港路德會永恩堂

     英文名稱 English NameAbiding Grace Lutheran Church


轉賬時,請註明奉獻者姓名,以便我們跟進。During the bank transfer, please specify the name of donor to enable us to issue.

在進行轉賬後,請把轉賬副本(入數紙)電郵至Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 。並請註明指定奉獻項目(月獻/感恩獻/特別獻/教育基金)、奉獻者姓名。After the bank transfer, please send your bank-in slip to the church by email to Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 ., and specify the offering items (Monthly Offering/ Thanksgiving Offering/ Special Offering/Education Fund), name of donor.


若需要是次奉獻收據,請註明「需要收據」。若是首次奉獻者,請提供回郵地址及聯絡電話,以便聯絡及寄回奉獻收據。After the bank transfer, please send your If a receipt for this donation is required, please remark “Donation Receipt is required”. For first-time donors, please provide your mailing address, and the contact phone number to enable us to issue and mail the receipt to you.


(2) 支票 By crossed cheque

抬頭請寫「香港路德會有限公司 - 香港路德會永恩堂」,請註明指定奉獻項目(月獻/感恩獻/特別獻/教育基金)、奉獻者姓名,郵寄至香港北角雲景道20號香港路德會永恩堂收。若需要是次奉獻收據,請在支票背面註明。若是首次奉獻者請提供回郵地址及聯絡電話,以便聯絡及寄回奉獻收據。


Payable to "The Lutheran Church - Hong Kong Synod Limited - Abiding Grace Lutheran Church", and specify the offering items (Monthly Offering/ Thanksgiving Offering/ Special Offering/Education Fund), name of donor, then mail to 20 Cloudview Road, North Point, Hong Kong Abiding Grace Lutheran Church. If a receipt for this donation is required, please remark “Donation Receipt is required” on the back of the cheque. For first-time donors, please provide your mailing address, and the contact phone number to enable us to issue and mail the receipt to you.


備註Please note::教會於每年四月發出全年度奉獻總收據。The church will issue yearly donation records in April.